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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Psychology of Human-Consciousness

Human-being is a combined expression of jeevan and body. Jeevan is a conscious-unit - a constitutionally-complete atom. Body is inert - as a composition of physiochemical activities. Human-being expresses sensory-motor activities- as recognition of five senses and movement of limbs and other body parts. These activities are evidenced only in an alive human-body - or while jeevan is enlivening the body. These activities are not evidenced when jeevan leaves the body - and that event is recognized as death. Jeevan enlivens body, and realizes its want of living. Sensory and motor activities are expression of jeevan's want of living - as jeevan's continuous-exercising of choice. Jeevan is "controller" of body's motor-functions as it continuously exercises choices based on sensory-recognition.

Jeevan has thinking-ability. Jeevan's activity of thinking is sublter than its activity of making choices. Thinking-activity being subtler influences choice-activity. Thinking is evaluating and analysing what is being seen and what was seen earlier. What is being seen comes from sensory-input of present. What was seen earlier is in one's memory - which is also part of jeevan. Quality and pattern of one's thinking determines quality and pattern of one's choices in living, which in turn determines quality and pattern of their outcomes. Living thus, jeevan tries to understand the world around itself - and in this way evolves its world-view or outlook. This ability of jeevan to evolve its worldview, is called believing.

Jeevan has believing-ability. It is subtler than thinking. Beliefs are acceptances of self (jeevan) about why and how of the world, and about its own self as well. Beliefs are formed, strengthened, weakened, and broken - based on one's experiences in living through interactions with other people. Beliefs are shared, and get passed on from generation to generation - through education, culture, norms, and systems. With time some beliefs change - which in turn reflect in changes in education, culture, norms, and systems. The beliefs being subtler, influence one's thinking.

Jeevan's activities of believing, thinking, and choosing work in conjunction for expression of living through body. Human-imagination is essentially these three jeevan's activities of believing, thinking, and choosing. Imagination seeks fulfillment through living. In this way, activities of believing, thinking, and doing are to seek fulfillment through living. Fulfillment or happiness in this way is the "driving-force" of human-living. All human-actions are in expectation of fulfillment.

Jeevan (self) gets a "sense of fulfillment" through sensory-activities while it is enlivening the body. This makes jeevan "believe" itself to be body! While in reality, jeevan is a (set of)conscious-activity and body is a (set of) physiochemical-activity. Believing self to be body is "limiting", since with this jeevan's expectation of fulfillment cannot get realized. Physiochemical-activities of body cannot keep pace with inexhaustible conscious-activities of thinking and choosing. Human-imagination continuously keeps experimenting and improvising for ever newer ways of getting fulfillment, but it keeps failing everytime due to its limiting-belief. This is "unnatural" state of being, which results in disharmony within and without. This is also called living in animal-consciousness.

Human-being's expectation for happiness is indicative of directionality in existence. Animal-consciousness is not the ultimate of existential-progression.

Study in Coexistence is about building one's evaluation-ability for justice, dharma, and truth. This study fills the sense of void-within, by activation of dormant-activities of self (jeevan). A human-being - fulfilled thus - is capable of living with integrity. Integrity is harmony or coherence at the levels of Knowing, Desiring, Thinking, and Doing. Study in Coexistence addresses the aspect of Knowing. Knowing is as accepting and experiencing the existence the way it is. This means, activation of atma - the mediating-activity in jeevan. The activation of atma makes the whole of jeevan experience-centric. Desiring becomes aligned with Knowing of Existence. Thinking becomes aligned with Knowing of Existence. Doing (in work and behaviour) also becomes aligned with Knowing of Existence.

Balance in human-living is impossible to realize without shifting to human-consciousness. Knowledge is essential for living with balance. Justice is another name for Balance. Justice is not just about thinking and exercising choice and have their memories. Justice is rooted in knowledge of coexistence. Justice is about perfect-recognition of every relationship's purpose, realization of values in those relationships, valuation or assessment of this realization, and achievement of mutual-fulfillment. A human-being cannot realize justice without having experienced in the knowledge of coexistence.

Knowledge of Coexistence is evidenced all around us. Every entity of nature exhibits the coexistence-principle. Human-being too is not outside the purview of this pervasive knowledge - and that's why it thirsts for this knowledge, and unknowingly keeps experimenting for becoming aligned with existence, and reach the state of effortlessness. Since human-being doesn't know and since it hasn't experienced in this knowledge - all its trials end up as miserable failures. Every failure of a trial gives rise to bigger trial - and then bigger failure. This trial and error approach has now put a huge question-mark on humankind's survival. Humankind as a specie will get wiped out from the surface of earth if it continues on its trial and error track.

Conservation of humankind is possible only by living with human-consciousness or humannness. Animal-consciousness is about having a criminal-mindset. "Criminal" is not what State determines as illegal. Every thought, act, and speech which is not rooted in knowledge of existence is criminal. Criminal-mindset is destructive - for society and climate. Conservation of Environment cannot happen with this mindset. Conservation of Environment is the result of Conservation of Humankind, and not the other way round. We cannot conserve our environment only by planting more trees, saving tigers, and by making a tougher legislations for violators. The root-cause is the level of consciousness of human-beings. Unless that is addressed and worked on, there will not be any conservation of humankind, animalkind, plantkind, and mineralkind.

Human-consciousness can be taught, and it can be learned. One who has understood can make others understand. Every human-being has imagination, and a natural-inclination for this knowledge. An awakened human-being is capable of guiding and inspiring to enable others for awakening. This is distinct from trial and error approach, and is much simpler, and much easier. Awakening is to the harmony in existence - and being tuned to that harmony. Human-consciousness is realization of awakening - as beginning of excellence in living. Human-consciousness is to live an intellectually-resolved and materially-prosperous life.

Source: Madhyasth Darshan, while studying it.
Posted by Rakesh Gupta

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