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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An exploration of issues in human society and possible solutions for the same

An exploration of issues in human society and possible solutions for the same

We wish for harmony in the 4 dimensions of human existence (thought, behavior, work & realization); 4 levels of living (individual, family, society & nature) and 10 stages of human organization (family….to village….to nation…to international). This is mans innate need and ensuring this is the meaning of human good. When one studies the situation we are in today, we arrive at the following:

At the level of individual: We see today that humans on the one hand have unhappiness, dissatisfaction, lack of hope, and a sense of futility about them, and on the other are faced with domination and other problems. The health of the body is steadily declining in spite of improved levels of material and medical facilities. A majority of people find themselves engulfed in problems of some type, and some people have even come to believe that no solutions are even possible.

At the level of family: One sees complaints, fights, inter-personal tensions, injustice, hatred and numerous attempts to solve these, ultimately leading to disintegration and a feeling of being deprived of material facilities.

At the level of society: Problems are visible in the form of a tendency to snatch from one another, opposition, exploitation, struggle, war, poverty and unemployment. There is talk of working in harmony with each other, but these never end up being successful.

At the level of nature/environment: Problems manifest in the form of Imbalance, pollution, scarcity of physical and ecological disturbances. Poisonous material are on the increase in the air, water, soil and food while the fertility of the soil is decreasing.

The problem of water shortage is deepening. Water from large depths is not suitable for humans, animals and crops. The nutrition in food is reducing and the ecological system is getting imbalanced. The earth is falling sick. The earth now has fever (global warming = heating up of the earth)…heralding larger problems and disasters soon to come. The natural beauty of the earth is being uprooted. The tendency to snatch goods and greed is increasing.

On the one hand, many breakthroughs and wonders are being unleashed by modernity, science and technology; while on the other, the human being is not able to understand what he is, and what human conduct is. Today mans biggest problem is man himself.

The possibility of war between 2 nations, terrorism, fear of fights and violence within nation states and corruption tiring out the daily lives of human beings has increased, while one sees that blood relations living under the same roof have problems in their relationships, and unknown expectations in these relationships are making man weaker.

An absence of harmony between humans both in families and at the workplace is leading to an underutilization of human potential and available facilities and opportunities. People are bearing with the frustrations of dealing with constant trickery. Children’s futures are steadily becoming uncertain. Ecological imbalance, chemical fertilizers and pesticides and sedentary lifestyles are making the body weak and prone to diseases.

I.e. Failures seem to be hidden behind our successes. The fruits of this are that suffocation in individuals, disintegration in society & damage to the environment is on the rise. Man is thus getting isolated in these circumstances. Getting isolated is more fearsome than a famine.
It seems that man has not even been able to recognize his needs so far. Today’s prevailing materialism has got us to assume that unlimited acquisition of physical/material facilities is the human aim. All of culture, science, technology, education and nation states are being applied to ensure this. The fruit of this is that that the energies of every human being is being applied to ensure these facilities. Material acquisition has become the aim for mans thought, behavior, work & realization without even bothering to find out how much material facility is required for an individual, family & society. While mans need to live/survive has been recognized as a primary need, the need to live in perennial happiness, in a state of no-conflict, to live with knowledge, has not yet been recognized as a basic human need. The reality is that living with knowledge is mans innate character. It is only on the basis of knowledge that each human being is able to live in relationships and in organization. Otherwise, he lives in a right or wrong way purely based on what he has ended up assuming (which may not be so in reality, i.e. may not be right). It is only with knowledge (that is innate to the self) that man is able to live in self-organization within himself and in organization/harmony with the larger organization (other humans and rest of nature).

In the absence of knowledge, absence of a resolution (samadhaan) man is even unable to correctly recognize the need for material/physical facilities. As a result, he is unable to feel prosperous in spite of having physical facilities/wealth. He keeps getting stuck in a vicious cycle for unlimited facilities/wealth. When one evaluates the attempts to get around these problems so far, one concludes that these attempts are either insufficient, or not implement-able. When we see the attempts at various levels, we find that:
At the level of individuals:
Education is based on competition, acquiring unlimited material facilities from jobs or business, getting fame and position, and when these not available to all (i.e. not everyone can come first), man takes to opposition & protest as a solution/ way out.

At the level of family:
courts and gram panchayats are being created in spite of not having the ability to do justice, wherein instead of advancing the understanding of justice, what is practiced is better ways to mete out punishment & pass judgments, wherein instead of talking ways of forging stronger human relationships, one ends up separating people from being in relationship.

At the level of society:
While on the one hand solutions speak about governments functioning well, and stricter rules and regulations, on the other, it is declared that nothing will come out of the government, and only multi national companies and business can do something about the problems. Arresting population growth, make and break in the markets, planning & rules in limited spheres and promises for employment seems to be the order of the day. Ultra modern weapons for getting rid of the conflicts between nations and societies are also being touted as a panacea for all ills/problems we face today.

At the level of nature:
Further research for cleaner and greener technologies, alternative sources for energy, and/or establishing tolerable levels for pollution, establishing forest departments, restricted use of natural resources, etc are some of the attempts at taking care of the environment. The inspiration to protect the environment has stemmed from fear, but today, greed is going ahead of fear. Hence, agreements around the environment are not seeing fruition. On paying attention to the current attempts, it becomes evident that as we try and solve a problem at one level, numerous problems are created as a byproduct at other levels, leading to an increase in the amount of problems we deal with. In this situation, while some people have a feeling of despair, some are saying that we should learn to live with problems, while some are selling dreams. Even big movements are unable to move beyond small scale issues, unable to think of human organization in its entirety.

A new ray of hope
On studying existence and mans place in it, it becomes evident that these problems are not innate to existence or nature. These are due to an absence of right understanding in individuals (the human) and fulfillment in human relation ships between human beings; i.e. problems are manifested by man. If man is the cause of the problems or if man is the carrier of problems, then the cause and carrier of solutions would also have to be man. Attempts so far to free ourselves of these problems have not placed right human understanding and responsibility of human beings at the center, and we been unable to live in organization and form a human tradition on the basis of these attempts. Jeevan Vidya is a proposition for human understanding, organization and tradition, which has to be evaluated and understood within the self and to be lived as an expression of this understanding in the larger order. On the basis of attempts made by a few if us during the past 10 years in the form of work and behavior in our society, we have now begun to feel that it is possible & necessary to have harmonious inter-relationships in the that such a possibility comes naturallysincethis is how it IS in existence, that this organization is already inherently available in existence,one does not have to create it.Existence is organization itself, is organized in itself. The organization is in the form of co-existence, and every human being can understand it, and live in harmony within himself after having understood it so, and live in harmony with the larger organization around him.

On the basis of living in this self-organization:

At the level of individual:
Right understanding (resolution) is ensured in every human being. This resolution inherently manifests as knowledge, human goals (Vivek) and science (Vigyan) in human talent and as behavior, work and contribution to the larger order in human character. The possibility of an undivided society, holistic natural order and human tradition becomes clear as one lives according to the right understanding.

At the level of family:
Resolution in each member of the family, mutually fulfilling relationships in family and prosperity are ensured. It becomes possible to identify the physical needs in family on the basis of the resolution and members of the family are then able to put efforts onto nature in a recyclable manner thus producing more than the family’s requirements for physical facilities and experience the feeling of prosperity. There is enough scope in nature for this kind of effort, and enough capacity & scope in the human being for putting in these efforts. A prosperous family is able to fulfill the physical needs of an individual and also help out other families; hence, one establishes mutual relationship instead of exploitation of other families in this manner.

At the level of society:
5 dimensional organization in society: (i. education-right values; ii. health-restraint;
iii. production-work; iv. exchange-storage and v. justice-security) allow human goals of samadhaan (resolution), prosperity, fearlessness & co-existence to be ensured. The possibility of this holistic, all encompassing organization from an individual to family to world family being established thus gets clearer.

At the level of nature:
The human being living with resolution in relationships and with prosperity lives in a mutually fulfilling manner with the remaining 3 orders (Material order = Soil, water, air, etc; the Pranic Order = plants & shrubs, etc’ the Animal order = birds & animals) thus ensuring his prosperity and the protection and right utilization of the remaining 3 orders.

Man living in complete resolution & prosperity at all these 4 levels is thus able to be satisfied in all his 4 dimensions (thought, behavior, work & realization). Satisfaction in thought by way of complete resolution, satisfaction in behavior by way of mutually fulfilling relationships, prosperity in work by way of regulation & protection of the remaining natural order, and bliss in realization by way of knowing the reality, the truth ensures the continuity of happiness. It thus becomes possible for this satisfaction to be expressed and established in the individual, family and all 10 stages of human order. On the basis of the success that we have been able to get in the past 10 years through this understanding, work and behavior and the enthusiasm that stems from it, we would like to establish a dialogue with you on the necessity, possibility and natural-ity of this human order.

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