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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Human centric approach to the study and research of different disciplines

Human centric approach to the study and research of different disciplines for further enhancement of existing concepts and content in these subjects
1. Science: Science with the study of consciousness (chaitanya) context i.e. Incorporate Study of Consciousness in study of Science and Technology.
o Study of consciousness with reference to scientific philosophy
o Humanization of science and technology
o Humanization of curriculum of science and technology
o Orientation and development of humanistic technology
o Priority of human world with reference to technological development
o Comparative study of human and scientific values
o Humanistic trends of scientific and technological research
o Study of cyclicity in natural phenomena
2. Psychology: Psychology with the study of enhancing intrinsic capabilities (based on realization/ Sanskar/Enculturation) i.e. incorporate study of human-values in study of Psychology.
o Concept of self and free will in psychology
o Role of behavioral (family) values in humanistic society
3. Philosophy: Philosophy with study of reality based on phenomena /Kriya (based on Praman) i.e. incorporate study of self-realization in study of philosophy.
o Need of human centric philosophy in the era of globalization
o Existential and realistic phenomena vs. mysticism
o Study of ‘Self’ in various philosophical schools (eastern and western)
o Materialism vs. human centric philosophy of Madhyastha Darshan (A. Nagraj)
o Mysticism vs. human centric philosophy of Madhyastha Darshan (A. Nagraj)
o Role of human centric philosophy “Madhyastha Darshan Sah-Astitvavad” for gender equality
4. Economics: Economics with the study of natural cycle (Avartansheelata) as well as individual and holistic resulting in self sustained village system (Gram swaraj) based on appropriate utilization and protection of resources i.e. incorporate study of protection and right-use of resources in study of Economics.
o Study of cyclic (avartansheel) economic system
o Economics of natural cyclic production system
o Identification of utilization and protection of resources
o Study of balancing essential needs through cyclic economies of nature
o Proper utilization of natural and man-made resources without exploitation
o Stainable economics for gram swaraj (Prosperous human society)
o Concept and Need of Cyclical Economics for solving human problems
Study of cyclicity in natural phenomena
5. Sociology: Sociology with the study of human oriented thinking and human oriented living i.e. incorporate study of humane-culture and humane-civilization in Study of Sociology.
o Concept of human society which is free from gender discrimination
o Understanding woman as a human (humanistic study of a woman)
o Harmonious society vs. society in conflict
o Study of Humane-culture and humane-civilization
o Incorporating the concept and idea of oneness and universality in sociology
o Humanistic study of social theories and social thoughts
o Anthropological and sociological study of human being with reference to behavioural sociology
6. Political Science: with the Study of protection and development of Humanistic norms and approaches (vidhi, vidhan, manviya achar samhita, manviya samvidhan).
o Comparative study of human rights, jurisprudence, constitutional law and needs of human society
o Designing and drafting a common constitution for global society
o Study of traditional law, constitutional law and human centric code of conduct for global society
o Human centric universal political system for human beings
o Universal humanistic world order vs. power and money centric political systems.
7. Geography and History: Study of human and humaneness kind i.e. incorporate study of human-being and human-ness along with study of Geography and History.
o History of human life and human-ness through the ages
o Reviewing the history of human civilization other then wars and conflicts
8. Literature: Study of subjectivity and co-existence through absolute truth i.e. incorporate reality orientation in study of literature.
o Identification of unrealistic and illusionary content in various literatures

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