"Feeling Good" versus "Being Good"
Human-being expresses consciousness. Each human-being accepts his being alive. Expression of this alive-ness (or consciousness) is multi-dimensional for a human-being - is also well-known. When we compare alive-ness of an animal versus alive-ness of a human-being - it is clear that a human-being expresses its alive-ness in more dimensions than any animal. One clear distinction between humans and animals is the expression of imagination in humans. Human-being uses imagination, and that's the way its expression in living continuously evolves, making humankind qualitatively distinct from animals. The second distinctive and defining trait in humans is - expectation of happiness. Each human-being is inalienable from this expectation of happiness.
All human-activities - as doing, saying, and thinking - are with use of imagination and with expectation of happiness. This is the starting point of this study of Jeevan Vidya (madhyasth darshan).
Human-being's expectation of happiness and its imagination - in its entire history - has only been limited to recognition of "feeling good" or "feeling bad". "Feeling bad" clearly doesn't meet the expectation of happiness. "Feeling good" also doesn't meet the expectation of happiness. The reason for this is - whatever feels good starts feeling bad after some time. There is no continuity in feeling good. So one tries in some other ways for feeling good through use of imagination. That effort also lands up in failure. Denial of "feeling good" or "feeling bad" and seeking "equanimity" between the two also don't result in any lasting-accomplishment. This is the root of sorrow in human-living. The plane of consciousness in which a human-being is living today, it is not possible to achieve continuity of happiness. Despite being humans, we are living in animal-consciousness. And that's the root-cause of our sorrow.
"Feeling Good" is not "Being Good".
"Being Good" and thereby "Living Good" is the plane of human-consciousness.
Study of Madhyasth-Darshan addresses the point of fulfillment of human-imagination. Unless human-imagination is fulfilled it will continue seeking happiness in "feeling good" - which is in the purview of sensory-gratification. Sensory-gratification is with material-goods - and with this mindset struggle for them becomes inevitable. The collective human-mindset, human-made systems are manifestation of this hangup with "feeling good". It is not a secret anymore that where collective human-mindset is heading. Humankind has made its own survival under threat due to this hangup of "feeling good".
Fulfillment of human-imagination is when imagination gets aligned with realities - as they are. Study is the process of aligning human-imagination with the realities. The realities are in existence. There is no reality outside of existence. Existence is - all that is. Existence needs to be studied for fulfillment of imagination.
Study happens with guidance of one who has experienced the realities. In the absence of guidance, it is not study - it becomes an exploration, or groping in the dark. Guidance inspires the imagination of student to see the realities - as the guide sees them. Study is like - one lamp lighting another... Study is never in isolation. Study is an expression of co-existence of teacher and student. Study happens in the light of teacher's experience. Teacher's imagination is experience-centric - which is potent-enough to guide and inspire. Student's imagination is fired up with the "need to know" - for its fulfillment. Study is the union of student and teacher - which leads to student's getting "lighted up" like the teacher.
Study is student's getting established with acceptances of realities. Study is movement towards "being good". Madhyasth-Darshan proposes all realities in existence are expression of co-existence principle. Study is to get aligned with the existence - as expression of co-existence.
"Being Good" is the state of human-being upon achieving the point of fulfillment of its imagination. This is also called "anubhav" - or experiencing in knowledge-essence. "Anubhav" is the accomplishment of study in co-existence. "Being Good" is an irreversible shift in one's consciousness - that has continuity. There is no other way for achieving anubhav, there is no other way of achieving fulfillment of imagination - apart from studying existence.
"Being Good" is the basis of "Living Good". "Being Good" is to be harmonious within self. "Living Good" is living in harmony with one's relationships. "Living Good" is inspiration for others for "Being Good". This is the way a humane-tradition of goodness gets realized.
source: madhyasth-darshan, while studying it...
Posted by Rakesh Gupta
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