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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Humane Behaviour (Part-2)
This is continuation of translation of chapter-7 - titled मानवीय व्यव्हार - of manav vyavhar darshan by Baba Shree A. Nagraj Sharma.

* The objectives of human-efforts that exhibit change are called Worldly-objectives, and those which are free of any change are called Spiritual-objectives; Activities of jeevan (as mun, vritti, chitta, buddhi, and atma) are called Inner and the Activities of enlivened body (as seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling) are called Outer; A unit of nature is called Entity and All units of nature together are called Entirety; Movement towards Awakening is Progress, and Movement towards Illusion is Decline; The results of human-efforts that fulfill expectations are Complete-Outcomes, and the results of human-efforts that don't fulfill expectations are Incomplete-Outcomes; Growth-effect of human-actions is generative, Decay-effect of human-actions is destructive, and Continuity-effect is mediating; The information received only from the acts of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling is Sensory-Experience, and the effect of experience in knowledge-essence in atma on buddhi, chitta, vritti, and mun is Knowledge-Experience; Natural-Capability for human-being is Truthfulness, and Un-natural Capability is Untruthfulness; Commitment towards Justice, Dharma, and Truth is Natural-Acceptance, and its opposite is Un-natural Attachment; Inclination towards Resolution is Higher-Value, and Inclination towards Conflict is Lower-Value.

* The capability of mun is contemplation; The capability of vritti is evaluation; The capability of chitta is resolution; and the capability of buddhi is acceptance of realities.

* At the root of incorrect beliefs and wrong-actions is absence of acceptance of realities in buddhi; at the root of clarity and right-actions is presence of acceptance of realities in buddhi.

* Contemplation (in mun) is as enthusiasm, inspiration, or provocation; Evaluation (in vritti) is as balance or imbalance; Visualization (in chitta) is as meaningful or meaningless; Acceptances (in buddhi) are from Experience-Centric Method.

* Balanced Impetus in Self is Inspiration or Enthusiasm - and it is towards Progress; Unbalanced Impetus in Self is Provocation - which is towards Decline.

* Evaluation (in vritti) with views of Justice, Dharma, and Truth is Balanced; Evaluation (in vritti) with views of Likeness, Conduciveness, Gainfulness is Unbalanced.

* Experience-Centric Resolution and Visualizations with views of Justice, Dharma, and Truth are Real; Visualizations with views of Likeness, Conduciveness, and Gainfulness are Unreal.

* The Acceptances of Realities (in buddhi) established (in a student) in the light of Experience in Knowledge (of teacher) is Truthfulness; Believing empirical-observations (information from senses) to be entire Truth is Illusion - and is Untrue. Believing Untrue to be True is Haughtiness. The way, Untrue doesn't exist as a reality in existence, the Haughtiness also doesn't exist as a reality in existence. This is the reason these don't get accepted in buddhi. The activitiy of believing Untrue to be True happens as visualization in chitta.

Posted by Rakesh Gupta

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