Freedom from Illusion is Effortlessness - Part-2
Following is continuation of translation of chapter-5 - titled निर्भ्रमता ही विश्राम - of manav vyavhar darshan by Baba Shree Nagraj Sharma.
* Study in Co-existence results in acceptances in a human-being for Awakening.
* Study of Material-Nature and Practice with Material-Nature (physical-work by human-being) is necessary for realization of Material-Prosperity. Right-Use of wealth-generated is not possible in the absence of Awakening.
* Study in Coexistence at its root is Study of Material-nature and Conscious-nature; Study of Material-nature and Conscious-nature at its root is Study of Progress and Decline; Study of Progress and Decline at its root is Study of forcefulness, movement, and constitution of Entities of Nature; Study of forcefulness, movement, and constitution of Entities of Nature at its root is Study of Entity's Purpose of being in Existence; Study of Entity's Purpose of being in Existence is Study of Effortless-entity (Awakened Human-being) that experiences in the Absolute-Energy (Space) equanimously-available to all Entities of Nature.
Entities of Nature exhibit forcefulness, movement, and constitution. Forcefulness is - the entity's capability due to being energized in Space. Movement is definiteness in conduct - as combined activity of the entity's constituents. Constitution is composition of the entity. Forcefulness and Movement of constituents of an entity together determine its Constitution - as its structure and appearance. Constitution and Movement of an entity describe the entity's Forcefulness - as its capability. Constitution and Forcefulness - or capability - of an entity determine the entity's Movement - as its conduct or behaviour.
* Atoms that compose Entities of Nature are active. Space or Emptiness is the Absolute-energy that is equanimously-available to all these atoms, due to which these atoms are energized and are therefore active.
* Infinite Entities of Nature are energized and are therefore active in pervasive Space. Human-being too is energized in this Space - and thirsts for Experience in Co-existence.
* In the absence of Experience in Truth human-being can't achieve Effortlessness. Human-being is always effortful to quench its thirst for effortlessness.
* Study of Science aligned with Purpose of Human-being in Existence is the basis of Experiment and Production Activities - and Right-Use of the Wealth-generated thereby.
* Experience in Co-existence (in atma) and Acceptances of Realities (in buddhi) in Jeevan gets expressed through brain and neuro-system. This is possible only in human-specie.
* Awakening when realized by an awakened human-being - leads to accomplishment of Humane-Tradition.
Posted by Rakesh Gupta
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